Our garden is my new favorite thing to do...Mike made me some gorgeous raised beds and has spent hours upon hours tending to the soil, weeding, fertilizing and helping me plant. Here are some of the fruits of our labor (and some of Mother Nature's beauties that didn't need any help at all from us!)
Gorgeous kale...
Parsley, tarragon, basil and cilantro...very functional!
Our tomatoes are trying...we just need a few more days of sunshine...
The most beautiful Foxglove - found trampled by the dogs, and still managed to grow straight up from the broken stem. So amazing!
Hydrengeas are getting ready...
The catterpillars REALLY love my rainbow chard. That's okay - the stems are prettier to look at than the leaves are to eat anyhow.
My magnificent Mother's Day fuschia...lush and constantly blooming...
Not sure what the white flowered bush is called - the flowers smell amazing! One of our many Peony bushes in the foreground...